Ranjay regularly speaks to executive audiences around the world. The groups he speaks to range in size from small senior leadership teams and corporate boards to large company off-sites. He has worked with companies in a range of industries and spoken with groups across a variety of functional areas. His clients range from large well-established companies to high-growth entrepreneurial ventures.
Through executive seminars and open lectures, Ranjay creates a forum for the development and implementation of business strategies for the challenging market conditions we face today. Each lecture is customized to fit the audience and their circumstances. Much of his speaking focuses on helping firms discover growth opportunities in dynamic and uncertain markets. He explores the dilemmas and enablers for building actionable strategies that encompass making strategic choices and architecting organizations to drive chosen strategies. His systemic approach also emphasizes the requisite leadership skills and pipeline that is essential to support strategy.
Building Resilient Organizations
Sample topics:
Why Do Great Companies Derail?
Strategic Thinking For Turbulent Markets: Building A Breakaway Strategy
Redefining Innovation
Digital Transformation
Sample topics:
Leading Meaningful Behavioral Change
Playing To Win
reimagining organizational systems for performance and purpose
Sample topics:
Unbossing An Organization
Unleashing Growth Through Silo-Bridging
Build An Entrepreneurial Mindset
Building Customer-Centric Organizations
developing effective internal and external collaboration
Sample topics:
Relational Capital: Managing Relationships As Resources
Silo-Busting: Transcending Barriers To Build High Growth Organizations
Partnerships In Turbulent Markets
Embed deep purpose and foster resilience within organizations
Sample topic:
Organizational Purpose as a Source of Competitive Advantage
Leading From Within
Cultivating Courage